Press and Publications
Dr. Juli Kramer has an extensive background in education psychology and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through her membership program, Radiant Shenti, she is passionate about helping people age gracefully and pain-free through holistic health practices.
Dr. Juli Kramer is a certified qi gong, meditation, and TCM beauty secrets instructor. She holds a diploma in Chinese Medicine Nutritional Therapy and multiple certificates in Chinese medicine. Juli also has a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Counseling Psychology.
The Less Stressed Life by Christa Biegler
Episode 305: Chinese Face Mapping with Juli Kramer
Qiological with Michael Max
Episode 293: Face Reading as Part of the Clinical Conversation.
A Healthy Curiosity by Brodie Welch
Episode 233: Immunity, Digestion, Focus and Relaxation Practices.
The Health Fix by Dr. Janine Krause
Episode 382: What Does Your Face Say About Your Physical Health?
The Accrescent by Leigh Ann Tahami
Episode 95: Chinese Face Reading and How the Body Communicates With Us.
The Food Heals by Allison Melody
Episode 404: Chinese Medicine Secrets: Ancient Healing Remedies, Food As Medicine, and Eating Right For Your Body.
Aging Happily Without Pain by Dr. Brooke Olsen & Dr. Annie Brodsky
Episode 16: What is Your Body Telling You?
Learning to Glow by Simply Jess
Episode 27: The Ancient Practice of Face Reading for Health with Dr Juli Kramer!
The Holistic Yogi by Kamala Ingrid
Episode 26: Chinese Medical Nutritional Therapy.
“Juli has a special gift for helping people connect with their health and nature on a deeper level helping them re-discover a zest for life.”
Events and Collaborations
Juli was a guest speaker discussing ancient TCM secrets to reduce stress.
Juli and Radiant Shenti partners with AARP Colorado teaching free Qigong classes twice monthly during 2023.
Juli was a guest speaker discussing TCM solutions for sub-health symptoms during perimenopause.
Juli from Radiant Shenti regularly teaches on Insight Timer teaching free live Qigong classes, sharing meditations and has a premium course Qi Gong Healing Sounds
Tiny Buddha Special Bundles
Radiant Shenti products have been featured in Tiny Buddha’s 2023 and 2024 Best You, Best Life Bundle, as well as the June 2023 Feel-Good Summer Bundle.
Let's Collaborate!
Have a great idea on how we can join forces?
Magazine and blog Features
- Tiny Buddha: Emotionally Imbalanced? How Qigong Can Help You Heal Your Mind and Body
- Human Tonik: 80 Health Professionals Share the Most Common Health Mistakes.
- Best Holistic Life Magazine Guest Article: "This Thing Called Love," February 2023
- Shoutout Colorado: Meet Juli Kramer | Certified qigong, meditation, and TCM beauty secrets instructor, as well as trained face reader.
- Authority Magazine: Healthy To A Hundred: Dr. Juli Kramer On Five Things You Need To Live A Long, Healthy, & Happy Life
- Yahoo News: Secrets to Getting "More Energy" That Really Work.
- Incredible Edibles: 26 Plant Based Diet Enthusiasts Share Their Top Tips for Eating Plant Based On a Budget.
Want to interview Juli? Email Here
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Kramer, J. (2016). A Deweyan reflection: The potential of hospitality and movement in the classroom. Journal of Teaching and Curriculum.
- Kramer, J. (2015). The Place of Eisner's Educational Criticism and Connoisseurship in Jewish Education. International Joural of Jewish Education Research.
- Kramer, J. (2010). Closer to the heart: An exploration of caring and creative visuals arts classrooms. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 852.
- Kramer, J.B. (2006). Ethical analysis and recommended action in response to the dangers associated with youth consumerism. Ethics and Behavior, 16,4, 291-303.
Awards and Honors
National Art Education Association’s Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research Award in Art Education, 2011
American Psychological Association Graduate Student Ethics Prize winner, 2005
Commencement Speaker, Regis University, 2000.
University Education
- Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum and Instruction. Morgridge College of Education University of Denver, 2010.
- Cognate studies for Ph.D., Counseling Psychology. Completed 700 counseling externship and practicum hours. Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, 2004-2006.
- Master of Arts, Psychology, Regis University, 2000.
- Post-baccalaureate Degree in Secondary Education, University of Arizona, 1987.
- Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, University of Arizona, History and Political Science, 1986.
Chinese Medicine Education
- Holden Qigong certified Qigong Teacher, 2021.
- Applied Facial Diagnostics According to Chinese Medicine, Pacific Rim College Online, 2021.
- Diploma in Chinese Nutritional Therapy, Centre of Excellence, 2021.
- Certificate in Prevention and Natural Healing for Women’s Health, Dr. Eva Zhang, 2021.
- Certificate in TCM Food Therapy, Dr. Eva Zhang, 2021.
- Certificate in TCM Meridians and Diagnostics, Dr. Eva Zhang, 2020.
- Certificate in Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine, The Hong Kong University of Technology, 2018.
- Certificate, Everyday Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018.
“Juli uses her 35+ years as an educator to teach people about the health, happiness, and longevity benefits of Chinese medicine.”
Contact Juli here