Lesson 1: Medical Qigong and Light Energy


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • What are biophotons? How do they relate to light energy?
  • Explain the concept of maintaining balance in the body.
  • Describe two ways healing colors help your body.

Self Reflection

Considering our existing knowledge aids in seamlessly incorporating new information into our lives. Pause for a moment to contemplate your familiarity with the concept of color energy. Reflect on personal experiences in nature that might resonate with the idea of utilizing color energy for healing.

How would you describe your awareness of the impact of colors in your life?

  • I am just starting to notice colors because of this lesson.
  • I sometimes pay attention to how colors make me feel. I might have a favorite color or react negatively to other colors.
  • I regularly tune into colors and how they make me feel. For example, I notice how the colors of my clothes make me feel and notice colors in nature.
  • I purposefully use colors in my life. To illustrate, I make choices about which colors create different feelings in my home décor.

Qi operates most effectively when there is equilibrium between the mind and body. Which of the following four descriptions of balance do you resonate with? (Feel free to select more than one.)

  • Achieving balance involves regulating my autonomic nervous system, allowing me to return to a state of calm during moments of stress or fatigue.
  • When energy flows seamlessly through the channels in my body, my organ systems function optimally, resulting in a sense of vitality and overall health.
  • Every individual and body part has an ideal yin-yang balance point for optimal health. Through various medical techniques, people can adjust the levels of Qi to establish a harmonious yin-yang equilibrium.
  • Balance entails maintaining the health of my microbiome and emotions.

Lesson Transcript


Close your eyes a moment. Call to your imagination a sunrise you’ve seen in the past. Really observe the colors and list as many as you can. Now picture a sunset you’ve seen. List those colors as well. How can you tell the difference between the sunrise and sunset? How did each of them make you feel? What colors do you think gave you those feelings?

Now picture a time when you saw storm clouds moving in across the horizon. What colors do you recall? How did these colors make you feel? Where in your body was the most sensitive to these colors?

You’re doing the same thing ancient Taoists did thousands of years ago. They observed and felt events in nature and within their bodies.

For example, imagine what the people experienced long ago. The night sky overflowed with clouds of stars. Meteorites blazed brightly as they streaked to the earth. The sound of rivers echoed across open expanses of meadows. Fires could burn uncontrolled to rejuvenate the land. Trees and plants grew wild and unhindered. The earth itself provided food for the animals people hunted and the food they foraged.

The ancients realized, and later science has demonstrated, that all matter produces, radiates, transports, or transmits light, and therefore has properties of color vibration.

Matter and light are fundamentally inseparable. Matter can be considered a condensation of photons. Its transformation can be viewed as a result of light interacting with atoms and molecules. All life on Earth, whether plant, animal, or human, is dependent upon light and its miraculous qualities for existence.

All living cells emit units of light called "biophotons." Biophoton emissions radiate from the internal organs, as well as the body's surface tissues, to create the body's auric field.

This interaction of light on the body's tissues and within the body's internal organs has a profound healing effect, especially when activated by using qigong healing colors. When muscles or nerves are activated through medical Qigong light therapy, the intensity of the biophoton emission increases.

Studies performed on the healing potential of light and color therapies demonstrate that it is clinically effective. Like sound resonances, light therapy is also being researched further as an adjunct to modem clinical medicine. To illustrate, research has demonstrated that the use of color in Qigong treatments can effectively change a person’s pulse beat, body rhythms and depth of breathing.

The body both absorbs and projects light energy. The divine light that enters at the time of conception continues to reside in our Taiji Pole throughout our lives. This light responds and reacts to the therapeutic light energy. Light and color resonance are absorbed into your body and facilitate the healing process.

In Chinese Medicine, the early diagrams illustrating the body's internal organs, channels, routes of Body Fluids, and arteries were called Charts of the Hall of Light. These detailed maps of Qi and Blood flow illustrated the energetic organs, as well as the body's Jing and Shen (which are rooted in the Blood). The Shen flows inside of the body, transforming into light and radiating from inside of the tissues outward. The light radiating from the physical body spontaneously interacts with the mental, emotional, and spiritual light energy released from other beings. 

By visualizing a certain color, you can activate the light energy within your body. You can focus the healthy color light energy into the organs, channels, and organ systems.

Energy color therapy is divided into eight healing colors, ranging from low frequency (red) to high frequency (violet) and white. These energetic projections are associated with the color ranges emanating from the body's Taiji Pole and range from a dark to a lighter color band. The Taiji Pole is an energetic core of light that runs through the center of the body between the top of the head and perineum.

Medical Qigong uses the following eight colors for color therapy: red, orange, yellow, emerald green, blue, indigo, violet, and white. Based on a modem study of the prismatic division of light energy, color therapy is categorized as follows.

Basic Healing Colors

1. The ruby red color simultaneously heats and activates the body. Red improves blood circulation and stimulates the Small Intestine, Heart, Triple Burners, Pericardium, and Fire Qi of the body. Red can be used to repair tissues or increase cellular growth, as well as to vitalize tissues, Blood, and the skeletal system. It is used for treating paralysis, broken bones, and internal and external wounds.

2. Orange expels pathogenic factors and disintegrates Blood clots. It is also used in treating cysts. Orange can also be used to stimulate the Spleen and Stomach. (Contraindications: You must avoid using orange color Qi for the brain, eyes, or Heart. Orange is extremely potent and may cause damage.)

3. The lemon-yellow color stimulates the nerves, reconstructs cells, and heals wounds. Yellow or orange yellow can stimulate the Stomach, Spleen, pancreas, digestive system, nervous system, and the Earth Qi of the body. Yellow is also used in the treatment of skin rashes and topical problems.

4. The emerald-green color detoxifies and disperses pathogenic Qi. Green can stimulate the Liver, Gall Bladder, and the Wood Qi of the body. Green is used in combination with other colors; for example, shades of green are combined with shades of orange for treating tumors. Green color vibration is not as powerful as orange and may be used if you are elderly to establish a gentler healing session.

5. The flame blue color cools the body and is beneficial in soothing and calming your anxiety. Blue can be used to stimulate the Bladder, Kidneys, the reproductive system, skeletal system, and the Water Qi of the body. Blue is also excellent for relieving inflammation and fever and can be used as a mild anesthetic.

6. The indigo or dark blue color has a deep penetrating property and is used for knitting bones and creating "energetic casts" (used for enveloping wounds and specific internal organs). The color indigo can also be used to stimulate the Bladder, Kidneys, skeletal system, reproductive system, and the Water Qi of the body.

7. The reddish-blue color of violet is known for its purifying force, which facilitates the rapid healing of difficult infections, e.g., pneumonia.

8. White energy extension indicates a fusion of all colors. White energy is the most neutral and can be used when one is not sure which other color is appropriate. White is useful for calming the mind and placing a protective field around an organ or around the body. White stimulates the Large Intestine, Lungs, the respiratory system, and the Metal Qi of the body.


Specific color meditations are used to assist your healing. Here’s how the concept works. If an organ is diseased, it will generally appear in various shades from gray to black. To heal the disease, you imagine taking in the organ's clean color, while dispersing the turbid pathogenic color. Visual meditation helps to return the organ's Qi back to its origin, to achieve balance and health.

Here are a couple of examples of using color to change a diseased organ.

In cases of Liver Heat, you might imagine a dull, turbid brownish-green, tinged with red. You would use color visualization to picture the Liver a vibrant emerald-green.

For a Heart imbalance, you may imagine the red color associated with the heart as a dull, weak or darkish red, tinged with brownish-red or purplish-red (like the color of stagnant Blood). As you inhale, you will imagine a pure, vibrant ruby-red color flowing into your body from the Heavens or Earth, energizing, cleansing, and replacing the toxic energetic color of the diseased Heart.

You will enjoy detailed meditations for each organ throughout the rest of the course. As you do the exercises in later lessons, to avoid overstimulating your tissues, you will start with a lighter shade of color and then increase the color's intensity until the proper color is obtained.

In the next lesson you will learn more about the Five Elements mentioned in this lesson.

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