Medicine Wheel Healing Animals
Healer Animal Drum Journey
Healer Animal Drum Journey. Using the Medicine Wheel, Journey with Marielle to use your Center Power Animal to bring in your healer animal. Finding your Center Power Animal is a prerequisite for this lesson.
The Medicine Wheel is an important symbol in First Nations’ cultures. The circle represents the cycle of life in that all life travels in a circular path. The symbolism of the wheel aims to instill a balanced mind, body, and spirit and serves as a reminder that you are one with the earth. Marielle’s training comes from the Institute of Shamanic Medicine, and her teachings align with that experience.
In this lesson, Marielle guides you to revisit your medicine wheel and Center Power Animal. Together, you and your Center Power Animal journey out to find your Healer Animal. You then spend time connecting with your Healer Animal.
Connecting with your medicine wheel animals is about honoring and respecting the wisdom of the animals. and honoring and respecting your own medicine as well. There is an animal for each direction of the wheel. There is the center power animal and eight other animals along the wheel, for example: warrior, sacred dreams, healer, recapitulation, and death guide animals.
The medicine wheel, stone circles, mandalas, and the like, are all vehicles used in one form or another (and called one thing or another) by highly sophisticated ancient societies. The wheel is designed to help you welcome in power to co-create with nature and the forces of the Universe. Overall, the Medicine Wheel, in Shamanism, calls four different directions home: The South, the West, the North, and the East. Marielle teaches of the various angles between these directions, as well as the center direction, especially important because your center power animal helps you find your other animals.
Description of the Journey to Find Your Healer Animal | 0:00
Coming Into Your Space| 2:30
Drum Journey to Find Your Healer Animal | 5:15
Closing the Journey | 26:00