Medicine Wheel Healing Animals
Medicine Wheel Healing Animals | Shadow Power Animal Journey
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Shadow Power Animal Journey
Shadow Power Animal Journey. Marielle invites your Center Power Animal to find your Shadow Power Animal which will empower you to find self-acceptance and love.
Your shadow power animal helps you understand your shadow by acting like a mirror. The animal found on your journey, its energy, traits, and attribute, is the closest match to your internal shadow. As you learn about your shadow animal’s characteristic, you in turn learn about your shadow.
What is your shadow?
Shadow means something unseen within you that you may reject. Shadows are cast into the darkness, into a place you cannot see them. Your shadow evolves as you experience responses from others that cause you to feel good about yourself, and others that make you feel “bad.” Often times you may feel pain from the “bad” responses, such as disapproval, disgust, and rejection. As a result, you try to cut off this aspect of yourself, consciously or subconsciously.
Your Shadow Power Animal helps you accept and integrate these aspects of yourself so you can be whole and love yourself unconditionally.