
Fall Health Tips Using Chinese Medicine

 September 26, 2019

By  Juli Kramer

Fall health tips from ancient Chinese scholars can help you stay healthy.  And, if you do get sick, you can feel better faster.

Using this advice can help you prevent sinus problems, runny noses, a sore throat, coughing, and digestion troubles this fall. It can also help you reduce chronic symptoms from asthma, CPOD, arthritis, and joint pain. It’s TRUE! Your lungs, sinuses, digestive tract, and skin will thank you if you keep reading!

Yin and Yang Theory

Thousands of years ago, ancient Chinese scholars observed the heavens and earth. From their observations of the stars’ movement across the sky over the course of the year, coupled with what they saw happening on Earth at the same time, they developed an elegant theory that explains the effect of nature on humans’ well-being and health.

You probably know the iconic image that summarizes this theory: the Yin Yang symbol (also called Tai Ji) and You may have an idea that the symbol stands for balance between light and dark, good and bad and You may also understand that within every light there is a little dark, within every good a little bad, and vice versa. They create each other and cannot be separated, even though we can distinguish between them. For example, inhaling and exhaling are different actions but when one happens, the other must follow. With normal health and functioning, the actions transform effortlessly from one to the other.

Yin and yang symbol Chinese medicine TCM

On the left side of the Yin Yang symbol, you see the color white. This white color represents Yang.

On the right, you will see a darker color. This darker side represents Yin.

This ancient symbol is a visual tool that captures thousands of years of observations. We will be offering a course to teach more about the foundations of the symbol, and the inspiring numerology and color theories that go along with it. For now, we will use the Tai Ji to simply show how the earth transitions to Fall and what that means for your health.

Following Nature’s Lead to Stay Healthy

The ancients placed the seasons on the Tai Ji symbol based on their observations and data. At the top of the symbol, the larger, white, Yang section begins to transition into the smaller, darker, Yin section. This area represents Fall. Summer is full of heat, active movement, and lots of energy. Summer is all about Yang.

Black and white watercolor yin and yang symbol on white.

Transitioning from Summer, the season of Yang, to Fall. We need to build up our Yin and reduce Yang to stay healthy.

In Fall, the weather turns cool and dry. Days are shorter, and nights grow longer and longer. Leaves are changing and animals prepare their nests. We need to start following a lifestyle that supports and nourishes Yin. Lifestyle changes should allow the body to release the Yang activity and energy of summer and make space for the slow moving, calming force of Yin for Fall and Winter.

Lifestyle Advice for Fall

  • Get up early – The time of day for the Lungs is early in the morning, 3:00-5:00 AM. Getting up at 5:00 AM, or as close to it as possible, expands and awakens the Lungs and keeps them healthy.
  • Go to sleep early – Going to sleep early allows your body more time to rest before you wake early to open the Lungs.
  • Wear warmer clothing – If you are over 50, you should wear enough clothing to feel warm. You should not feel any chill. The same is true for children under 13. If you are young and strong, you can dress in layers to be just a little cooler than comfortable. This will allow your body to acclimate to the colder temperatures and keep your lungs moist and nourished.
  • Keep your mind calm – Yang is full of energy and heat. As we transition to Yin, sometimes the Yang heat trapped in our bodies will affect our Liver, which can cause anger and aggression. To release that heat and calm the Liver, you need to calm your mind. We have a wonderful, short video on two guided Mindfulness Exercises to calm your mind. The videos are FREE to subscribers! Sign-up for our newsletter today to access this gift and other FREE content!
  • Participate in activities that make you laugh and feel happy! – The emotion associated with the Lungs is sorrow or sadness. To keep the Lungs healthy, you need to process sad emotions AND you need to add experiences that make you feel happy. The activity could be watching silly cat videos or listening to a great song! When you smile, clear your mind, and feel happy, your Lungs are stronger!
  • MODERATION – Our final lifestyle tip is to do things in moderation. We are trying to slow down our bodies, following nature’s rhythm. Excess drinking, exercise, eating, etc. increases Yang and throws us off balance. Keep that in mind at Thanksgiving and other holidays during this season!

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Juli Kramer

Dr. Juli Kramer is a Holden Qigong Tier 2 certified qigong instructor. She also holds a diploma in Chinese Medicine Nutritional Therapy and multiple certificates in Chinese medicine. As a qigong and meditation teacher, Dr. Kramer understands the important role movement and meditation have on developing a healthy body and mind. Juli also has a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Counseling Psychology.

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