Transform Your Body & Mind to Feel Energized & Alive




Chinese Medicine Healing

19 Lessons

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Your body has a natural road map for more energy and vitality. In India, they’ve understood this road map for thousands of years as the chakra system. In China, they've refined an understanding of energy meridians and qi. Learning about these systems and energetic healing techniques in this course, you will feel physically vibrant, alive, and emotionally stable. It’s more accurate to call these systems treasure maps for health and disease prevention.



  • A new way to think about how to feel energized
  • How to "read" your body for more vitality
  • New ways to prevent burnout


  • More energy and emotional stability
  • A calmer mind
  • A sense of empowerment and trust in your body

Uncover Little Known Ways to Transform Your Body & Mind...

If you're a curious person, who loves new ideas, but gets easily distracted by quick "solutions" to complicated problems... (Don't worry, we've all been there.)

...then keep scrolling 'cause you're gonna want to check this out, especially if you're into natural health.

Stop feeling like you Need a Nap When You Wake up in the morning

Experience Time-Tested Health Practices

Have energy and patience for people in your life

Why you feel so fatigued 

(And how this course will help)

Most of your life, you've probably been taught that energy comes from a few things: exercise, diet, and sleep. 

While they play a role, you probably haven't learned why they matter. 

More importantly, you probably look at words like "stagnation" and "blockages" of energy and go, "HUH?!"

Now you have the opportunity to remove the blinders and find the energy within. You will understand what helps you feel energized, and how to look at fatigue as a symptom of deeper health concerns.

You can explore details about the course structure in the menu at the bottom of the page.

To summarize though, with this course, you will:

Understand your BODY'S ENERGY SYSTEMS 

You won't have to guess at why you crash every afternoon; you'll know. You'll also know how to fix the problem.

Gain insight into your OVERALL HEALTH

Not only will you understand how to recharge, you will see how your emotions, physical wellness, and spiritual strength are all connected.

Discover how to FIND BALANCE & stop destructive habits

Reliance on unhealthy stimulants and lifestyle choices that sap your strength will disappear. You won't need them anymore. You'll wake refreshed and ready to go all day long.

Here's What You'll Get

  • Carefully designed lessons to teach you about Ayurvedic chakras and Chinese medicine meridians
  • Easy-to-use methods to apply these ancient energy concepts through Reiki self-healing hand therapy and Chinese medicine acupressure massage
  • Short & Long Qigong lessons to clear stagnant and blocked energy in your body
  • 30-day no problem money-back guarantee


It sparked curiosity.

“The lessons have been so helpful in my healing journey. It’s the right balance of technical and practical. For me – it sparked curiosity. It’s a fascinating subject. Learning steps I can take to live a healthy life is worth the effort. And the bonus of learning about acupressure points is a way to share this knowledge.”


I now have another powerful tool to take care of my body...

"The lessons have been so helpful in my healing journey.  Learning the
acupressure points along the meridians is so interesting and makes so much sense when Juli explains it! I can address things happening
in my body before they get to be a problem and recognize the root of the problem with
these tools."


I always felt relaxed and peaceful after the classes.

“I have so enjoyed the Transform Your Body & Mind to Feel Energized & Alive classes.  I learned so much, and Juli presented the material in an interesting and easy format.  The slides with the location of the different Meridians in our body helped me to visualize them in my body.  The best part is where we were able to do it on ourselves.  I always felt relaxed and peaceful after these classes.  Thank you, Juli.”

Yvonne - SAN DIEGO





3 Lessons

This sampler lesson introduces you to concepts you'll explore more deeply throughout the course. You will enjoy a yoga mudra mediation, qi energy exploration, and acupressure massage.

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Tips to help you navigate the course with ease.

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Qi is a difficult concept to understand. This video gives you a clear sense of what qi is and how it moves. When you learn about the meridians in later lessons, you will see why the channels of energy are important.

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Ayurvedic Energy Principles and Applications

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Sarita Mahinay will teach you about the chakras as a holistic energy system.

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Sarita guides you through a chakra meditation to open these energy centers in your body.

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Learn about the Reiki self-healing hand positions that open the chakras and internal energy for vitality and healing.

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Sarita guides you through a Reiki self-healing practice that clear blockages in the chakras and leaves you feeling clear and refreshed.

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Nini Trobaugh presents a wonderful analogy to help you understand the koshas, the different layers of your being.

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Nini Trobaugh guides you through a yoga flow designed to balance and awaken your awareness of the koshas. You will feel reconnected to all layers of your being. From this wholeness, energy can flow.

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Yoga mudras clear blockages and re-energize the chakras and koshas. You will learn more about mudras in this lesson.

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You will practice using yoga mudras to open the chakras for more energy, as well as address specific physical conditions that drain your energy.

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Chinese Medicine Meridian Energy Principles

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One of the most important ways to reclaim your energy is to open the channels of energy, meridians, that flow through your body. This lesson lays the foundation for understanding the meridian system.

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You will review the overall meridian system. Then you will focus on the 4 heart channels.

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In this lesson, you learn about different types of anxiety and how to treat the symptoms. You will also learn how to treat diarrhea and constipation.

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The Kidney system houses your essential essence and boosts the brain, bone marrow, and development (physical, emotional, reproductive).

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TCM Meridians Lesson 4 The Spleen and Stomach Channels. Learn how these two critical channels of energy in the body contribute to your overall health. You will see your body and the process of digestion in a whole new way.

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You will learn how to massage specific acupressure points that alleviate upper and lower body joint pain. You will also learn how to stop skin rashes and itching with massage.

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In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver and gallbladder are two important organs, and their respective channels play crucial roles in the flow of Qi (energy) and overall health. Understanding the pathways of the liver and gallbladder channels is essential for TCM practitioners when diagnosing and treating various conditions.

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Treating Menstrual Pain and Hay Fever. You can ease symptoms from these two common conditions using acupressure massage. You have the power in your fingertips to feel relief.

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About the teacher

Juli Kramer

Dr. Juli Kramer is a Holden Qigong Tier 2 certified qigong instructor. She also holds a diploma in Chinese Medicine Nutritional Therapy and multiple certificates in Chinese medicine. As a qigong and meditation teacher, Dr. Kramer understands the important role movement and meditation have on developing a healthy body and mind. Juli also has a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Counseling Psychology.