Burnout Recovery

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Three

Burnout Recovery Qigong Lesson Three invites you to explore additional meditations to make time for short moments of recharge. You will further develop your trust in your body in the the practice. The intention is to not take a lot of time or brain space to remember. As a result, you can draw on the flexibility of the process to recover from burnout.

Qigong is an ancient practice designed to be practical. Especially with this type of meditation and qigong exercises, the goal is to build your awareness of where you are right now. This idea frees you from expectations of where you want to be and asks you to start where you are at the moment. It can sound like a scary thing, but as you learn in Lesson Two, you can release fear by trusting in your body’s process. Facing the truth can bring you to where you want to be going. Only from familiarity and comfort with where you are can you move forward.

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Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson One

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson One | Duration: 14:00 Min

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Two

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Two | Duration: 15:00 Min

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Three

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Three | Duration: 17:00 Min

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Four

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Four | Duration: 19:00 Min

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Five

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Five | Duration: 18:00 Min

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Six

Qigong for Burnout | Recovery Phase – Lesson Six | Duration: 21:00 Min

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