Everyday Health Practices
Everyday Health Practices | Everyday Health Practices with James Saper
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Everyday Health Practices with James Saper
Everyday Health Practices with James Saper. James guides you through how to choose which movements you’d like to integrate in your Everyday Health Practice. Ideally, you’ll have part of the practice that always stays the same, which brings special benefits for the body. At the same time you’ll want to add something new, to switch things out.
You also want a balance in these everyday health practices between things that you do that have a specific purpose, and those that allow you to just be in the moment. James invites you to create something that is specific to you, and you are only accountable to yourself.
Japanese Self-Reflection Exercise “Nai Kan” Questions. The stated purpose is to help you see things as they are. The goal is not to just yourself around the answers you give. The actual intent is to not create a story but to see things more accurately, as they are, to stop short of judgement.
- What have I received from someone else?
- What have I provided for someone else?
- How have I caused inconvenience to someone else?
Contemplations are another great tool for self-reflection.
Considerations for a Daily Practice | 1:15
Japanese Self-Reflection Exercise Nai Kan “Inward Looking” | 10:00
Eye Massage | 25:15?General Comments About Self-Massage | 31:00
Micro Qigong Movements | 36:10
Qigong Exercises to Add to Your Routine | 40:00
Dredging the Moon From the Bottom of the Well | 45:10
Seated Version | 46:35