Acupressure Massage
Acupressure Massage to Boost Mental Clarity
Acupressure Massage Boost Mental Clarity. Massaging the acupressure points in this sequence will help you feel refreshed and look beautiful. You will get a summary of the benefits of each of the points individually as well. Together, they are a powerful natural tonic to instill mental clarity. You can use the video index below to find the individual points, or you can complete the entire sequence.
Click here to learn more about acupressure massage, including its history, benefits, and methods.
Introduction | 0:00
Small Intestine-15, Jiangzhongshu | 1:10
Gallbladder-20, Fengchi | 10:20
Large Intestine-11, Chuchi | 14:05
Du-20, Baihui | 18:40
Pericardium-6, Neiguan | 20:55
Liver-3, Taichong | 24:50
Bladder-23, Shenshu | 28:30
Spleen-6, Sanyanjiao | 31:45
Stomach-36, Zunsanli | 34:55 (Story of the Three Very Old Men)