25-Day Qigong Challenge

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 20

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 20. Experience Day 20 of your transformative 25-Day Qigong Challenge, where you strengthen the kidneys and cultivate inner strength.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidneys are regarded as crucial for maintaining vitality and emotional balance. They are believed to store the body’s essence and are associated with qualities such as courage, willpower, and wisdom.

Through targeted qigong exercises, you’ll nourish your kidney’s vital essence and tap into your inner reservoir of strength. By strengthening the kidneys, you can reduce fear and anxiety while promoting a sense of groundedness and resilience.

Harness the power of qigong to nurture your kidneys and unlock your fountain of youth. Each day of the challenge is designed to stand on its own, so there’s no need to have done previous days to benefit from today’s practice.

What does TCM say about the kidneys?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidneys are one of the most vital organs, responsible for essential functions beyond just filtration of waste products. Here are some key aspects of how TCM views the kidneys:

  1. Essence and Vitality: The kidneys are associated with the concept of “Jing,” often translated as essence or vital energy. Jing represents your fundamental life force and is crucial for growth, development, and reproduction. The kidneys store Jing and are responsible for its production and regulation throughout life.
  2. Water Metabolism: The kidneys govern water metabolism in the body. They regulate the balance of fluids and electrolytes, ensuring proper hydration and maintaining the body’s internal environment. (Learn more about the Water Element here.)
  3. Bone Health: The kidneys are closely related to bone health in TCM. They govern bone marrow, which produces blood cells and supports bone strength and density.
  4. Emotional Well-being: In addition to their physiological functions, the kidneys are also associated with certain emotions in TCM. Fear is considered the emotion that directly affects the kidneys, and imbalances in kidney energy can manifest as excessive fear or anxiety.
  5. Aging and Vitality: The kidneys are central to the aging process and overall vitality. As you age, the decline in kidney Jing contributes to the signs of aging. Therefore, nurturing and supporting kidney health is essential for maintaining vitality and longevity.

Overall, TCM emphasizes the importance of maintaining the health and balance of the kidneys for overall well-being. Practices such as qigong, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy are used to support kidney function, promote vitality, and address imbalances that may arise.

0:00 | The Role of the Kidneys in Physical and Emotional Health What is a good way to remove fear and doubt? How can I thrive and find happiness?
0:55 | Coming into Your Space What is the benefit of Kidney 1, Yongchuan acupoint?
2:30 | Embracing the Dao
5:00 | Moving the Qi
7:45 | Holding the Ball on the Left and the Right
10:05 | What benefits does rotating the spine have?
10:20 | How does letting go of expectations help you feel more confident?
11:09 | Going Within
11:23 | Massaging Bladder 23 to Nourish the Bladder and Kidneys, prevent and treat lower back pain. What benefits do you get from massaging the lower back?
12:45 | Why is physical touch (massage) important for healing?
13:45 | What element are the kidneys associated with?
14:25 | The Fountain
17:05 | Water Waves
19:05 | Closing the Standing Practice
20:20 | What is an easy way to boost health for longevity?
20:30 | Massaging Kidney 1, Yongchuan What is a gentle and easy way to release stress and fear?
23:32 | How can I improve flexibility in my joints? What are the effects of rigidity?
25:25 | Massaging Kidney 3, Taixi
28:45 | Closing the Practice

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25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 1

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 1 | Duration: 30:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 2

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 2 | Duration: 26:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 3

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 3 | Duration: 27:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 4

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 4 | Duration: 24:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 5

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 5 | Duration: 30:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 6

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 6 | Duration: 19:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 7

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 7 | Duration: 43:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 8

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 8 | Duration: 30:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 9

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 9 | Duration: 30:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 10

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 10 | Duration: 23:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 11

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 11 | Duration: 27:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 12

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 12 | Duration: 23:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 13

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 13 | Duration: 30:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 14

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 14 | Duration: 25:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 15

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 15 | Duration: 29:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 16

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 16 | Duration: 25:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 17

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 17 | Duration: 25:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 18

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 18 | Duration: 28:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 19

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 19 | Duration: 23:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 20

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 20 | Duration: 30:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 21

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 21 | Duration: 33:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 22

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 22 | Duration: 23:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 23

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 23 | Duration: 24:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 24

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 24 | Duration: 23:00 Min

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 25

25-Day Qigong Challenge Day 25 | Duration: 22:00 Min

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