Yoga Kriya for Positive Energy
Yoga Kriya for Positive Energy. Awaken your heart energy with this uplifting yoga kriya. Modifications are provided to help you enjoy the kriya and gain the benefits.
Coming into Your Space | 0:00
Moving Hands with Arms Extended | 1:00
Pushing Arms Out and Drawing In | 3:45
Tuning In | 7:35
Alternating Leg Lift from Prone Position | 8:10
Reaching Forward and Up with Legs Extended | 12:10
Cat Cow | 15:10
Cow Pose Heel Kicks | 18:00
Rotating the Torso | 19:00
Reaching Up and Folding Forward (Feet Hip-Width) | 22:30
Reaching Up and Folding Forward (Feet Wide) | 24:20
Reaching Up and Folding Forward (Feet Side-by-Side) | 26:00
Neck Rolls | 27:35
Savasana | 29:30
Chanting Sat Nam | 37:25