Kundalini Yoga Kriya Boost Digestion & Metabolism
This version of the video is designed for those who are familiar with the kriya and prefer to practice without detailed instructions. If you need guidance or are new to the practice, you can watch the instructional version here.
Join Olga Henriksson for a dynamic Kundalini Yoga kriya that focuses on igniting your digestive fire and improving gut health. This energizing sequence includes targeted movements and breathwork to tone your core, cleanse your digestive tract, and enhance your metabolism.
The practice concludes with a meditation using the mantra “Humee Hum, Brahm Hum”, meaning “We are one, we are God”. You can learn more about this powerful mantra here.
What You’ll Gain from Kundalini Yoga Kriya Boost Digestion & Metabolism:
- Improved digestion and metabolism
- Stronger abdominal muscles
- Balanced solar plexus chakra (third chakra)
- Enhanced vitality and inner harmony
Dive into this transformative practice and experience the benefits of Kundalini Yoga today.
00:00 | Introduction and preparation
00:06 | Grounding breathwork and settling on the mat
00:12 | Activating meridian points with hand rubbing
00:19 | Chanting the opening mantra
01:25 | Introduction to the theme: strengthening digestion
01:45 | Warm-up: Spinal circles (both directions)
03:30 | Warm-up: Seated cat-cow movements
05:45 | Warm-up: Shoulder rotations and neck stretches
07:00 | Dynamic torso circles to activate digestion
08:30 | Core exercise: Leg lifts with breath focus
12:45 | Core exercise: Rising from knees to heels
16:30 | Dynamic torso grinding for metabolic energy
20:15 | Shavasana: Relaxation and navel point awareness
24:30 | Meditation: Chanting “Humee Hum, Brahm Hum”
28:30 | Closing mantra and reflections