Insight Timer Class Recordings
Qigong to Center and Release Overthinking and Worry
Qigong to Center and Release Overthinking and Worry. Using qi gong and mukula mudra, you will center your mind, coming into the present moment. When you are truly grounded to the earth and in the “here and now,” you effortlessly let go of worry.
Mukula Mudra
Place the four fingers on your thumbs and put your fingertips on the part of your body that needs more energy. Do this with both hands. Do as needed, or five times a day for 5 minutes.
This energy-giving and relaxing Mudra is placed on the organ or body part that hurts, or that feel weak or tense. This is like directing a laser ray of regenerating energy to the respective body part or organ that needs healing.
Learn more about yoga mudras.
G. Hirschi. (2000) Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands