Quick Qigong Exercises
Colored Butterflies Dancing on Air and Water Beads Rolling on Lily Leaves Quick Qigong
Colored Butterflies Dancing on Air and Water Beads Rolling on Lily Leaves Quick Qigong. In this movement, you face your Laogong, Pericardium 8, points towards each other and make gentle circles. Repeating the gesture calms the mind and is beneficial for sleep, calming the nervous system, and boosting circulation.
It embodies many of the benefits of the Yellow River Dance from which it comes. Especially, Water Beads Rolling on Lily Leaves promotes relaxation.
By practicing the Yellow River Dance movements, we begin to accustom the body to operate in a stress-free mode, by engaging in the parasympathetic mode or “relaxation response.” This is the aspect of our Autonomic Nervous system, or ANS, which generally operates in either sympathetic (“fight or flight” mode) or parasympathetic modes as mentioned.
Physicians and health care providers tell us that our system weakens if we are in this “fight or flight mode” too often – often experienced in traffic jams, arguments, bad news, financial worries – just to name a few. By practicing such forms as the Yellow River Dance often, we can begin to mitigate and adopt the nervous system to inner calmness and a healthier immune functioning.