Daoyin Qigong Lesson Five
Daoyin Qigong Lesson Five. You have an abundance of Qi within and around you that you can cultivate. Through this practice, you will learn how to improve your experience of life and increase your energy by cultivating this Qi. The routine strengthens and stretches your ligaments. It is both energizing and relaxing. The standing segment activates the body’s energy channels, releases tension, and circulates Qi.
Daoyin Qigong is the most ancient form of qigong and the foundation from which all others emerged. In fact, before the practice was called qigong it was only known as Daoyin. Similar to your intention when practicing qigong, Daoyin cultivates your internal life force energy.
It is important to only do the practice around 60-70% of your maximum energy. You do not want to injure yourself or feel like the movements are out of your reach. You will feel connected to your life force energy and more mindful of your body.