Lung Tonification Walking Therapy
Lung Tonification Walking Therapy is a good exercise for tonifying the Qi of your entire body. It can be used for nourishing your skin, as well as strengthening the True Qi. It is used for treating Lung Qi Deficiencies, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema, and sinusitis.
Some Medical Qigong hospitals encourage people to rub their thumb and index fingers together when practicing the Lung Tonification Walking Therapy. This rubbing action causes friction to develop between the Shaoshang Lu-ll and the Shangyang LI-1 points, which in turn stimulates and invigorate the flow of Qi along the Lung and Large Intestine Channels, strengthening the Lungs.
The breathing pattern is as follows:
First step – inhale, inhale
Second step – inhale, inhale
Third step – exhale
Fourth step – no breath
Learning About Opening & Closing the Qi
Before beginning Medical Qigong Walking Therapy, the Opening and Closing of the Three Dantians must be practiced. In Medical Qigong training there is a saying, “When the body is Open, the Evil Qi will be expelled. When the body’s surface is free from Evil Qi, it is better to Close it.” The terms “opening” and “closing” refer to the purification of the body by means of Opening (purging) and Closing (sealing) specific areas of the body. The Opening and Closing of the Three Dantians can regulate either an Excess or Deficiency syndrome that is caused by an imbalance between the upper and lower, or interior and exterior parts of your body. The purpose of the preparation stage is to:
• Eliminate the body’s Evil Qi,
• Descend the Turbid Yin Qi, and
• Circulate the Clean Yang Qi through the organs and channels before walking
Pattern for Stepping Heal Toe & Raising Hands | 0:00
4 Phase Breathing Pattern | 0:35
Opening & Closing the Qi | 2:20
The Intention of Lung Walking Therapy | 6:05
The Practice
Warm-up | 6:30
Opening the Qi | 16:15
Stationary Regulating Exercise | 18:25
Lung Tonification Walking Therapy | 20:25
Tuning In | 33:10
Closing the Qi | 33:45
Closing the Walking Practice | 39:00
Allen, J. (2012) Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy.